The breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly may all be swimming styles, but they have one other thing in common; they share immense health benefits. Swimming is one of the best ways to get a solid workout and improve your overall health. It’s easy on your joints and it doesn’t matter what level of fitness you’re at; as long as you can swim, you’re good. Here are some of the top benefits of swimming you should know about.


  1. Swimming works your whole body


Swimming is the best way to increase your heart rate and workout without putting any stress on your body. If you have sore joints, swimming is in fact perfect for you. It’s a great cardio option, but you do not have to worry about wearing down your body like you do with distance running. It also helps you tone muscle and build both strength and endurance easily.


  1. Swimming can be a safe exercise for those with disabilities


People with arthritis, injuries, or other physical issues find that swimming can provide both a good workout as well as relief for certain types of pain. Activities conducted in the water have been proven to actually help joint pain, stiffness, and physical function for those with osteoarthritis, too.


  1. It boosts cardiovascular health


Swimming strengthens your heart and lungs so well that regular swimmers are known to have about half the risk of death compared to those who do not engage in an aquatic workout. It’s also a good way to lower blood pressure and control sugar levels.


  1. Swimming is a great way to burn calories


Even swimming a few laps at a slow to moderate pace can torch more calories than low impact activities like walking and yoga. Take a few relaxing laps around your local pool.


  1. It manages stress and boosts mood


Just as with any other type of exercise, swimming improves mood and stress levels. Especially for those with dementia, swimming can improve psychological well-being and assist patients in addressing some of the most challenging aspects in their care plan.


  1. Swimming improves quality of sleep


In a study researching older adults with insomnia, sleep latency, duration, efficiency and daytime dysfunction were significantly improved with aerobic exercise, pool aerobics included.


  1. It’s a good option for those with asthma


Pool environments make excellent humid air for people with asthma to exercise in. Swimming also gives you a chance to practice breathing techniques, such as holding your breath under the water, which can help you gain control over your lung capacity.


  1. Water activities are safe for pregnant women


Swimming in pool water has no effect on the outcomes of pregnancy, and water-based exercise can give a pregnant woman all the same benefits listed above to keep her healthy before and after birth.

Swimming is truly the ultimate health-improving exercise. There really isn’t any risk in trying the activity out for yourself, so why not give it a shot and reap the benefits?